Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing and Books

Dear People,

First and foremost, I would like to apologize for Kiera's story. She didn't tell me she was going to post that.
Amber has just found an interest in writing. She likes to write sad things. Kiera likes to write disturbing things. I just like to write, period. I love how words have the powers to transport us other places. I think anything written down or spoken in words, highlighting how words can change us, is poetic sounding. No matter how badly worded.
I enjoy being someone else. A boy wizard or a girl shape-shifter, maybe a girl who would give her life to protect her younger sibling. I love to read.
I was reading a book and the main character was much like me. I found some of those cool pictures where someone writes a quote in fancy font. They say exactly what I'm saying. I'll post them at the end...
...which is about now. I will have to be going. Kiera hasn't appeared. Must be pouting. Bye then.

Just Veronica

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