Monday, March 26, 2012

Nice To Meet You...

Dear People,

Nice to meet you, finally. I would say I've been anticipating this my whole life, but that would be really creepy. If someone said, "I've been anticipating meeting you my whole life..." I would be the slightest bit creeped out. I bet you would be creeped out if I said that, and, being the people-smart, sensitive person I am, and having the social skills I happen to have, I chose not to, congragulations to me.

I bet you'd be creeped out if a man in a bunny suit showed up in your room. That was the the back-brain talking. Forgive me. She prefers to be called Kiera. This is gonna get confusing, so I'll italicize Back-Brain. Scratch that, italics aren't working. I'll just put what she says in quotation marks. Make myself feel less like a writer that I already am not.

Anyways, I'm Veronica. Sometimes, I have two brains. "Sometimes, she has none." That was Kiera, as you can tell by her tone. You can't hear her, but I can. She is an incredibly rude personality that lives inside of me and chooses to come out at the worst times. She can control my body, so that's how she can write. I have to go back and insert the quotation marks, because I wouldn't want anyone to that was ME taking. I'm not like that.

"Sometimes, I like to make her go outside in the middle of the night and perform rituals to steal the souls of innocent children. I'm just that kind of person. If I'm REALLY bored I make her sneak around the neighborhood with a black cloth and quiet shoes, pick the locks, and just stand by the children's beds, so that nightmares seep into their sleep and haunt them. That's why I call myself Kiera. It means Little Dark One. It's actually really funny to see their terrified faces when I scare them."

Kiera is insane. Once, I woke up and I was standing next to a kid from school's bed. I ran. He saw me, so he told his parents and they had me sent to the school psychologist and told my parents. The psychologist said I needed to go to a specialist because my problems most likely had to do with difficult childhood. But my childhood was wonderful. I had a lot of friends and watched Spongebob, like most other kids. It wasn't until I got my first operation that Kiera even came. My first concussion brought Alex. Alex was nice at first, then he got all these terrifying and scary ideas. Kiera was never nice. She was always so MEAN. At least she didn't pretend she was nice, though. Then I told my parents to get rid of Alex. I got an operation. G'bye Alex.

That's my background. This blog is for Kiera and my art. Kiera writes piano music. I do, too. That was just so you know me. I will post pictures and music on this website.

Kiera and Veronica

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